But that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Over half of all the seniors in the study used at least 5 prescription medications, overthecounter medications or supplements.
The authors mentioned, in a press release, that other studies show that seniors make around 175,000 trips to the emergency room each year because of drug interactions.
Inhome interviews were conducted and medication logs used to determine how much medication was being taken.
When extrapolated to the whole population of the u.
The easiest and simplest way to protect yourself from harmful drug interactions is to make sure every one of your doctors knows everything you are taking.
Make a list of absolutely everything you take, the dosage, how often you take it and the full name of the medication or supplement.
Keep that list uptodate.
Another resource for you is your pharmacist.
They have a computer database where they can enter the medications and it will alter them of any known dangers.
Drug interactions are only the beginning.
Some medications can delete certain nutrients from your body.
Combinations of medications can cause side effects.
Ask your doctor is there are any supplements you should or should not take with the medications she has prescribed.
Finally, you are going to have to do your own research.
Go to and look up each of your medications and supplements.
Learn as much as you can and take notes.
Ask your doctor about the information you find there.
Qato, pharmd, mph; g.
Caleb alexander, md, ms; rena m.
Conti, phd; michael johnson, ba; phil schumm, ma; stacy tessler lindau, md, mapp.
Use of prescription and overthecounter medications and dietary supplements among older adults in the united states.
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